Each year, 12 million people are diagnosed with cancer and 7.6 million people die of cancer. If no action is taken, the worldwide cancer burden is projected to reach 26 million new diagnoses by 2030 and 17 million deaths, with the most rapid increases occurring in low- and middle-income countries.
The good news is that approximately 40% of cancers are potentially preventable. The risk of developing cancers related to tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption, excessive sun exposure and obesity can be significantly reduced by avoiding these risk factors and encouraging healthy behaviour, such as regular exercise and eating healthily.
World Cancer Day, under the campaign slogan “Cancer can be prevented too”, is led by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC), the leading international NGO which unites over 300 member organisations in more than 100 countries in the global fight against cancer through the implementation of the World Cancer Declaration.
Launched on World Cancer Day the 2010 report will focus on preventing cancers caused by persistent viral and bacterial infections through measures such as vaccination, antibiotics, improved sanitation and learning simple avoidance strategies.
Activities run by International Union Against Cancer members for World Cancer Day will include educational events, walks, runs, public talks, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, sporting events and much more.
Support World Cancer Day - February 4th. Visit www.uicc.org.
For information on activities planned on World Cancer Day by UICC members in your country, please contact Aline Ingwersen:
Direct line: +41 22 809 1811
Mobile: +41 79 568 5070
Email: ingwersen@uicc.org
Press contact:
Sophie Laird, Cohn & Wolfe Public Relations
Tel: +41 22 908 40 73 / email: Sophie.laird@cohnwolfe.com